Quarter Two Goals

We may be a few weeks into quarter two, but it is never too late to share your goals for the quarter.

Back in December, I took a mini-course and learned the HB90 method of planning and setting goals. Sarra focuses this course on authors and other creatives, and I’ve found it helpful so far! I didn’t end up writing about my goals for quarter one, but I accomplished a lot more than I hoped I would and I am so grateful!

I also realized that if I kept up the pace of work that I had in Q1, I’m going to burn out really quickly.

All of this is new (working towards a deadline and publication date) and being a mom at the same time. I’ve never done this before, and I guessed/estimated how much time things would take. While some things have been pretty accurate, some things have been a little tight.

All that to say, I gave myself some extra time in Q2 planning for all the projects I am working on.

Here’s my kanban board for the quarter!

I have two main goals, which both have a lot of smaller bite-sized tasks to accomplish. Both of these goals are related only to book writing + growing my platforms as an author.

Goal 1: To work towards making [redacted] each month by writing and selling books.

Tasks/mini-goals this quarter:

  • Read through beta readers’ feedback

  • Edit based on feedback

  • Send in book 1 for line edits

  • Book 1 line edits

  • Proofread book 1

  • Outline book 2

  • Start drafting book 2

  • Have [redacted] e-book pre-orders (I may share the number later on, but not yet. But YOU can pre-order now!!)

Goal 2: To grow my online community by 3% both on social media and on my Newsletter.

Tasks/mini-goals this quarter:

  • Send out Monthly newsletters

  • Post 2x a week on Instagram

  • Spend 15 minutes engaging 5 days a week

  • Talk about + promote Newsletter

  • Read Newsletter Ninja

There’s a lot to do this quarter as I prep for the release of my first book as well as get started more on book 2. Lots of things are happening, I’m already thinking about how I’ll do things differently next year/after I release my first two books. But this year I had to jump and take a chance, and that’s exactly what I’m doing.

I’ll report back next quarter to share what I did + what I hope to do in quarter 3.


The Luck of Finding You Paperback is Available for Pre-order!


The Luck of Finding You Cover Reveal