Publish & Thrive: My Favorite Self-Publishing Course

In 2021, I decided that instead of trying to pursue the traditional route of publishing (querying agents, then selling a book to a publisher), I decided to self-publish. But, I’d spent the previous years learning all I could about traditional publishing, I knew nothing about self-publishing, so I started to learn.

One thing about me, is that when I get interested in something or have an idea to do something, I often go all in, before really thinking about it. I’ve been known to purchase courses (mainly about blogging) that I never even looked at after my purchase, but this time around, this habit was incredibly helpful.

I was already following a handful of indie/self-published authors on YouTube and Instagram and I started working on my first book and learning all that I could.

Google, while extremely helpful, almost has too much information. I’d Google one question, only to stumble down a rabbit hole and come up for air an hour later with five million new questions and thoughts in my brain.

I needed something more organized. Something that would actually help me learn the best practices and things I could be doing to launch my author career. And that’s when I found Publish & Thrive.

Even though I wouldn’t end up publishing my book for another year, I signed up for Publish & Thrive and began to learn.

This course is my favorite because Sarra is so incredibly detail oriented. She lays everything out on the table, in extremely simple terms to help you know where to start and how to not only publish your books, but some of the very best marketing practices out there, to help you not only publish, but to truly thrive as an author.

Obviously, I’m only one book in and have at least another couple of years before I can be considered a ‘full-time author’ (someone who makes the equivalent income from books as they would a regular 9-5 job).

But, Publish & Thrive is the real reason I was able to publish my first book, and the reason I’m working on more.

Sarra has completely re-vamped the course, adding an extra week and an extra module, and I’m really looking forward to working through it again this time around.

You can read more about the course here, and I’ve included some screen shots (which you can also see on the enrollment page) of what’s included in the different modules.

Whether you’ve published a book or two yourself and just want to learn more about how to thrive as an indie author or you’re just getting started, this course is for you.

I do have an affiliate link (which means I’ll make a percentage of money from your purchase, at no extra cost to you) but I truly wouldn’t share it if I didn’t believe in this course.

I’m honestly so excited to have a re-fresher with the updated course this time around and see all the magic applying the class brings into my author career in the next year.

I’d love to hear if you sign up and enjoy the course too!

Enrollment ends on February 4th, and I’d love to see you taking the course with me this time around!


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